The story behind the name
In Chinese culture, “pistachio” is described as the "happy nut", literally! A bubbly and positive person is called a pistachio 開心果 /pronounced / hoi•sum•goi. The word reminds me so much of some very important people in my life - like my mom and my daughter, who are true pistachio's, always smiling and bringing joy and blessing to those around them. My hope and mission is to bring joy, happiness and positive vibes through my work.

Meet the artist
Hi friend! I’m Tracy.
I’m an artist, designer and creative entrepreneur based in Toronto, Canada. When I’m not working my 9-5 job as a Senior Product Designer in tech, I’m drawing away, designing my own repeating patterns and dreaming about the kind of products I can put my designs on.
I truly feel it’s a remarkable thing to see your art out in the world and on products. I love everything about the creative process and find joy in being able to bring an idea to life.
I have a shorter tenure as a surface pattern designer but I have been drawing and designing for as long as I can remember. Working in corporate in roles such as a graphic artist, digital marketer and product designer gave me the soft and technical skills to be a well rounded designer that can take an idea from concept to production.
If my style is a good fit for a project you're working on or you want to learn more about me, I'd love to connect!

Some fun facts 👩🏻🎨
Enneagram Type?
7 - The enthusiast- The busy, variety-seeking type: Spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive and scattered.
A Type 7 that can’t decide if I want vanilla, chocolate or strawberry ice cream - and just want it all in fear of missing out.
Coffee or Tea?
Water :)
Sunset or sunrise?
What would you be doing if you weren’t in design?
Perhaps working at a school with little kids.
Pineapple on pizzas?
No pineapple on anything
Most used emoji?
Start projects immediately or wait until the last minute?
Pumped to start immediately and always end up being last minute.
Board games or card games?
Board games.